A couple years ago I was working at a coffee shop. One of the regulars came up to get a refill He noticed I had been working mostly morning shifts and asked me if I was in high school, I looked at him and said no I'm not in high school. He continued to try and figure out, " are you in college or something?" No, I'm not in school. "Well what is it that you do?" I live and work at a coffee shop, and a youth camp. "Oh Well.. you should do something with your life." Then he turned around and walked back to his table, That same table he sat at every morning. I was speechless. I've never been so insulted. My day was ruined. Who was this man to tell me I should do something with my life? Why did his words effect me So much? He didn't really know me after all, I just smiled and served him coffee every day. And what was "Something"?
I went home thinking about that, and I concluded that I was satisfied with my life. I was satisfied with where God had me. It also helped me realize that I did want to start pursuing Life.
Look at me now! 24, Single, Jobless, and a great outlook on life. Quite the catch! ( I actually just got a job as a full-time Lift Op.) But to be completly honest, I have had quite the year! So many changes and challenges and things learned. I sat down the other day and made a list of some of the things I've learned/ Accomplished in the past 24 years. Let me just say that none of these things could have been accomplished by my power alone.
- The ability to make myself laugh when there is nothing to laugh about
- High School
- Never had a Job I didnt love
- 1 year @ Bible College
- Learned Guitar
- Made the soccer team at CCU
- Traveled
- Been out of the country 2x
- Learned To cook!
- Make coffee drinks
- bought a vehicle
- Swift Water rescue 50 degrees, nothern WI, may! yes.
- Been in a musical...ha.
- writing
- Lifeguarding
- Rafting Guide
- Working w/ At-risk youth
- Live on my own
These might not be a "Normal" list of things for 24 year old to have accomplish, but I wouldnt change it.
Somethings I've learned.
- God is in control
- People cannot always be depended on
- Be Yourself
- Life is an Adventure, you can't plan it, it just happens
- Pacience
- Its OK to be alone
- Everone had flaws, some are just easier to see than others.
- If your not satisfied with where God has you, you wont be satisfied in anything
- Owning a vehicle Sucks!
- Toofs are Funny
- Physically hurt people make me feel awkward
- Emotionally damaged people are intriguing
- People are selfish
- I love taking care of people
- God is Good
- 55% of people smoke pot
- Look for the open door
- Dont Settle...Ever
- Family is The most important thing
There is more but I doubt many people will read this far... so I'll stop. haha.
24 Years Of... LIFE.
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