Thursday, July 12, 2012


Approval, Acceptance, Belonging --- >

Is it possible to be an individual while constantly trying to fulfill these "needs"?

We let these ideas seep into the cracks of our soul and eat away at whatever individuality we once had.


  1. Don't you think the idea of being an individual is just another way to find acceptance? When a person defines themselves as an individual it is likely that they are doing so so that they accept themselves. Being an individual becomes their identity.

    I think that if you aren't concerned with acceptance or trying to belong then you will be accepted. Just for being you. You will find belonging but without striving for it and without compromising your individuality.

  2. I think people get so caught up in the idea yes, but also in doing so loose sight of what it really means to be an individual. We get so busy trying to fit this mold that people make for us we forget to be ourselves.

  3. As the good doctor says: "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"
