Monday, October 31, 2011

24 Years Of...

A couple years ago I was working at a coffee shop. One of the regulars came up to get a refill He noticed I had been working mostly morning shifts and asked me if I was in high school, I looked at him and said no I'm not in high school. He continued to try and figure out, " are you in college or something?" No, I'm not in school. "Well what is it that you do?" I live and work at a coffee shop, and a youth camp. "Oh Well.. you should do something with your life." Then he turned around and walked back to his table, That same table he sat at every morning. I was speechless. I've never been so insulted. My day was ruined. Who was this man to tell me I should do something with my life? Why did his words effect me So much? He didn't really know me after all, I just smiled and served him coffee every day. And what was "Something"?

I went home thinking about that, and I concluded that I was satisfied with my life. I was satisfied with where God had me. It also helped me realize that I did want to start pursuing Life.

Look at me now! 24, Single, Jobless, and a great outlook on life. Quite the catch! ( I actually just got a job as a full-time Lift Op.) But to be completly honest, I have had quite the year! So many changes and challenges and things learned. I sat down the other day and made a list of some of the things I've learned/ Accomplished in the past 24 years. Let me just say that none of these things could have been accomplished by my power alone.


  1. The ability to make myself laugh when there is nothing to laugh about

  2. High School

  3. Never had a Job I didnt love

  4. 1 year @ Bible College

  5. Learned Guitar

  6. Made the soccer team at CCU

  7. Traveled

  8. Been out of the country 2x

  9. Learned To cook!

  10. Make coffee drinks

  11. bought a vehicle

  12. Swift Water rescue 50 degrees, nothern WI, may! yes.

  13. Been in a musical...ha.

  14. writing

  15. Lifeguarding

  16. Rafting Guide

  17. Working w/ At-risk youth

  18. Live on my own

These might not be a "Normal" list of things for 24 year old to have accomplish, but I wouldnt change it.

Somethings I've learned.

  1. God is in control

  2. People cannot always be depended on

  3. Be Yourself

  4. Life is an Adventure, you can't plan it, it just happens

  5. Pacience

  6. Its OK to be alone

  7. Everone had flaws, some are just easier to see than others.

  8. If your not satisfied with where God has you, you wont be satisfied in anything

  9. Owning a vehicle Sucks!

  10. Toofs are Funny

  11. Physically hurt people make me feel awkward

  12. Emotionally damaged people are intriguing

  13. People are selfish

  14. I love taking care of people

  15. God is Good

  16. 55% of people smoke pot

  17. Look for the open door

  18. Dont Settle...Ever

  19. Family is The most important thing

There is more but I doubt many people will read this far... so I'll stop. haha.

24 Years Of... LIFE.

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